
The Peak Reports module allows to generate reports about particular data in your network, as well as about particular entities. Here you can generate, save, manage and export reports. 

Accessing Reports Module

The Reports module is opened by clicking Reports in the Top navigation bar or clicking the Reports icon  in the Entities toolbar. 

Selecting the type of report you want to access from the menu allows access to corresponding report grids (according to report types). The grids and the principles of their operation are the same for all report types, while the columns, filters, and other data differ per type of report.

Reports Toolbar

The Reports toolbar includes 3 buttons: Export, Refresh, and Favorites. 


ExportAllows to export data for all reports directly from the Reports grid.

RefreshAllows to refresh the Reports grid.

Saved ReportsAllows to access saved reports.

Reports Tabs

The Reports window allows you to generate reports according to the parameters selected under Columns, Filters, and Date Range tabs.  


Allows to set the columns in your report.

To generate a report you want, first choose columns to be included in it.

There are 2 types of columns: Static and Calculated.

Static columns represent entities, entity properties and data (like country) you would like to run the reports for.

Calculated columns represent the activity that will be calculated for the selected static columns (during a specific time frame).

 Click here to see an example


Selection of Advertiser Name and Country under Static, and Views under Calculated will yield a report output with 3 columns, where Views is a calculated value representing total number of views for each valid combination of Advertiser and Country in the selected Date Range.


Allows to apply filters to only include the data you want in a report.

There are different fields available to you when generating reports and each field type (free text, numeric, date, etc.) has its specific operators (actions).
The relevant operators appear after you select the value in the first filter field (Advertiser, Demand Item, etc.)
 Click here to see an example

In - choosing from the list (e.g. an offer from the list of demand items)

Not In - not included in the list (e.g. an offer not in the list of demand items)

Is Empty - the value doesn't exit

Is Not Empty - the value exists

Date Range

Allows to define the date range and the time zone for the report you want to generate.

To change report time zone from default time zone (GMT), select the wanted offset from the Time Zone list (e.g. GMT -5)

 Click here to learn about date ranges

Today - Starts at 12:00:00 AM on the current day and continues for 24 hours.

Yesterday - Starts at 12:00 AM on the day before the current day,continues for 24 hours.

Past 7 days - Starts at 12:00 AM 6 days ago and ends at 12:00:00 AM on the current day (7 days total including the current day)

Past 14 days - Starts at 12:00 AM 13 days ago and ends at 12:00:00 AM on the current day (14 days total including the current day).

Past 30 days - Starts at 12:00 AM 29 days ago and ends at 12:00:00 AM on the current day (30 days total including the current day).

This Month - Starts at 12:00 AM on The 1st of the current month and continues through the end of The current month.

Last Month - Starts at 12:00:00 AM on 1st of the month before the current month and continues through the end of The month.

This year - Starts at 12:00 AM on January 1st of the current year and continues through the end of December 31 of the current year.

Last year - Starts at 12:00:00 AM on January 1 of the year before the current year and continues through the end of December 31 of that year.

Total Row for Reports

Generated reports display a Total row at the bottom of the report screen, that totals all the column values.

Saving Reports

You can save reports for future use. To view the list of saved reports, click the Saved Reports button.

 Click here to learn more about saving reports

 To save a report:

  1. Click the Save Report button located to the right of the Date Range field.

  2. A Save Report box is displayed.

  3. Enter a name for the report in the Name field and click Done

Exporting Reports

You can export reports directly from the Reports window, similarly to the way you export other entity data. To learn more about exporting data, click here.

To learn more about working with reports, please refer to child pages of this section of the wiki.