In order to be able to buy inventory on Peak, you must create the following entities: Advertiser, Campaigns, and creatives.

Following are their descriptions: 

  • The advertiser is the top entity that usually represents one specific advertiser/partner with whom you have a financial relationship.

  • A campaign contains all the relevant properties and buying instructions from the advertiser, including rate, CPA goal, creatives, budget, targeting parameters, and so on. There can be one or more campaign per Advertiser.

Step 1:

On advertiser level: Add new account  > create a pixel (or multiple pixels).

Advertiser Pixel

Step 2:

Our Machine learning engine utilizes hundreds of features (like user agent, geo region, user segments, type of creatives, and inventory source details) to help optimize each impression opportunity.

Some of these features rely on data entered by Peak users.

The most important data points that should be carefully filled are:

• Advertiser Domain
• Bundle ID
• Category
• Revenue Rate
• CPA goal

Another important data is the event pixels that should be categorized and used correctly in order for the system to optimize towards the real goal.

Create new Campain and fill in all mandatory fields (*).

  • Bundle ID should be the final bundle of the advertiser app store.
  • Landing page should include the tracking link and relevant macros such as “IMPRESSION_CONTEXT” and “APP_BUNDLE_ID”.
  • Choose Buying Strategy and Bid Type:

Predictions Option:

Peak's smart algorithm has 2 predictions for CPI campaign:

All installs – use to explore traffic and for VTA campaigns.

Incremental installs – focus on finding mainly apps/users, who will convert in up to 30 min after the click. please note that VTA is cleaned out from the training set.

It is highly suggested, if you have apps that you know that perform well with VTA, to set a High-Frequency Cap ( 2 @ 6/8 hours ) to win those users.

*This can work well with banners that have low CPM ( 320x50 / 728x90 etc) or Native.

For incremental, you have to set a higher rate and target hight preforming bundles on White List.

For a shortlist of apps that you are getting from the advertiser, or have a strong similarity to apps that are working well it is suggested to open specific campaigns and optimized to "incremental installs".

For explores more inventory – you should optimize to "all installs".

Step 3:

Add new Creatives from the options:

Banners, Native Ads, Text Ads, HTML, Rewarded video

You can add multiple creatives from the same ad type.

Campaign pixels:

Pixel type options:

Install (mandatory for all CPI campaigns), Registration, Purchase, Landing, login, Tutorial completion, Other

Note that the learning will always be on the install level pixel to start.

Pricing Types:

Revenue type:



Bid type:

DCPA - paying for CPM (Cost Per Thousand impressions), while the system will use the prediction algorithm to buy traffic relevant for CPI towards your defined goal.

Dynamic CPM - paying for CPM (Cost Per Thousand impressions), while the system will use the prediction algorithm to buy traffic relevant for CPI.

The network will define expected CPI and Dynamic CPM price and will pay on CPM the second bid auction keeping your defined rate as Max Bid

CPM - Cost per thousand impressions according to your targeting and your defying rate

Best Practice – CPI:

Best Practice- CPI