Peak Out Stream Pricing models

Peak Offers 4 different pricing models;


  • CPM - Cost per 1000 Impressions. When choosing this option, the demand item will buy any impression that fits the specified rate and targeting settings.

  • Optimized CPM- Cost per 1000 Impressions. When choosing this option, the demand item will buy the impressions and activate the prediction towards "views" this is a learning mode in which the system algorithm scans the available inventory and seeking for the most relevant supply (based on the platform's prediction), and fits the specified rate and targeting settings.

  • Dynamic CPM- Cost per 1000 Impressions. When choosing this option, the demand item will buy the impressions that are most likely to convert to views (based on the platform's learning history), and fit the specified rate and targeting settings. The defined rate will not act as Max rate -it will behave as an average goal. That means that eCPM might be higher than the defined rate. When analyzing DynamicCPM, you should review the eCPV as the prediction is ‘Views’ tuned and oriented.

  • CPV- Cost per 1000 Views (Ad Starts). When choosing this option, the demand item will buy the impressions most likely to convert to views (based on the platform's prediction and the accumulated data learning period).


Dynamic CPM Q&A


Q- What is the difference between Dynamic CPM and OPT CPM? 

A- While you pay for impressions in both cases;

OPT CPM serves as a ‘learning mode’ where the algorithm will seek pertinent/relevant impressions from all of the available inventory. 

Dynamic CPM- is buying (already learned) inventory taking the performance (views) as the main guideline.


Q-   Can I start the demand item with Dynamic CPM or should I start with OPT CPM to learn first? 

A- If your account or seat has been active for more than 14 days, you can set Dynamic CPM without OPT CPM first.


Q- When I hit 3000 views, do I have to switch to CPV Dynamic CPM demand item?

A- You're not required to. You can continue to use the Dynamic CPM pricing model with the demand item as long as a monitored cap is maintained.


Q- How much should the Dynamic CPM cap be?

A- We advise starting slowly and cautiously ($20–$50), evaluating the outcomes, then intelligently and gradually growing.


Q- Is it possible to follow the results in your Analytics report?

A- Yes! You can monitor, evaluate, and track your success for each pricing model by adding "Pricing Type" to the static column.


Q- How will the cost be calculated?

A- same as OPT CPM - Impressions/1000X eCPM

(buying will be based on a second bid auction)


Q- Is OPT CPM being replaced with Dynamic CPM?

A- No! It is an expansion of the supported (Out Stream) pricing models, designed and made to improve performance.