Demand Item Entity

The Demand Item entity reflects the "how and where" of a campaign's properties, usually described by the Advertiser itself and the Advertiser manager. 

For example, the Demand Item contains the rate, appearance, advertiser domain, budget and targeting parameters. A Demand Item also includes content, which will display on the publishers' page according to the parameter set of the demand item. There can be one or more demand item per Advertiser.

Accessing Demand Item Entity Grid

The Demand Item Entity grid is opened by clicking Advertisers>Demand Items in the Entities Grid Window. The Demand Items grid displays demand items (campaigns) of advertisers currently working with your network.

Here you can access an Demand Item entity from the list, use filters to access the specific demand item, perform different actions like create or clone a Demand Item, customize the grid columns, export reports and so on.

  • You can access a specific demand Item by using filters. For more details on working with filters, click here.
  • The Entities Toolbar located on the right displays actions you can take after checking a specific Demand Item box. For more details on Entities Toolbar options, click here.

Customizing Demand Item Grid Columns 

The grid columns contain information about the demand item, like when it was created, impressions, views, and so on. The grid columns can be customized as needed to display or hide details and make your grid easy to work with. For more on customizing the grid columns, click here.

 Click here for grid column info:

ID (hidden by default) - A unique number for a Demand Item, automatically generated by the system.

Name - A unique name for the demand item, chosen in line with your business considerations. Must be at least 4 characters.

Advertiser Name - A unique advertiser's name.

Demand Partner- The platform in which the advertiser demand is managed (as defined on demand item's Advertiser entity).

Environment - The environment of the demand item: Desktop, Mobile Web or Mobile App.

Start Date - Start date of the demand item.

End Date - End date of the demand item.

Status - Status of the demand item: Active / Inactive.

Expected Revenue - The amount the network is expected to receive from the advertiser per 1000 views.

RateThe amount the advertiser is willing to pay per 1000 impressions/views of the demand item.

Rate Pricing type - The pricing type of demand item's rate: CPV, CPM, Optimized CPM

Daily Capping the budget for the entire demand item, in US Dollars

Budget the budget for the entire demand item, in US Dollars

Created - The date the demand item entity was created.

Modified - The last date the Advertiser entity changes were saved.

Impressions - Total number of impressions generated during the time set.

Views - Total number of views (video starts) generated during the time set.

Network Revenue - Total revenue to the network for the time set.

Network Cost - Total cost to the network for the time set.

Network Profit - Total profit to the network (The difference between the revenue and cost for the time set).

eCPMThe cost per 1000 impressions- (Cost/Impressions)*1000.

Revenue eCPMThe revenue per 1000 impressions- (Revenue/Impressions)*1000

View eCPMThe cost per 1000 views- (Cost/Views)*1000

Fill Rate-Indicates the number of Views per Impressions- (Views/Impressions)*100. 

Adding a New Demand Item Entity

You can add a new Demand Item entity in the Entities Grid Window. See more about adding a new Demand Item entity here.

Cloning a Demand Item Entity

You can choose to create a new Demand Item by cloning an existing one. The cloning feature is used solely for the purpose of quickly creating a Demand Item entity with similar characteristics. For more about cloning an entity, click here.

Exporting Demand Item Entity Data

You can export data for demand items directly from the grid by clicking the  Export icon in the Entities Toolbar.  For more about exporting of entity data, click here.

To learn more about working with Demand Item entity, please refer to child pages of this section of the wiki.